Soultending programs are rooted in my experience of BodySoul Rhythms ® Leadership Training and my work with The Marion Woodman Foundation. My introduction came in 2002 when I attended my first BodySoul Rhythms® Intensive with Marion Woodman, Mary Hamilton and Ann Skinner in Grand Bend Ontario. BodySoul Rhythms® Intensives combine myth and story, dream work, group discussion, experiential exercises, voice work, movement, and expressive arts. Stepping into the week-long Intensive, 3 days after leaving my work at an urban medical center, opened the door to a different world. The joy of it-dancing, painting, sounding, playing, and exploring - was tremendous. It was Soul-Food and I discovered a kind of healing very different than the medical treatments I had learned and practiced in the hospital and clinic.Working with body, heart, soul and imagination really was transformative. After completing the Leadership Training Program, I wanted to make the work of the BodySoul Rhythms® intensives available to women in my community in a more accessible format. This led to the development of Soultending. Meeting for 2 to 3 hours at a time,these workshops allow women to step away from the routine busyness of modern life to reflect, refocus and reconnect. Together, we explore dreams, ancient stories, poetry and metaphors of the natural world, through meditation and movement, journaling, discussion and simple art forms. Participants leave the workshops with a deeper connection to their own embodied wisdom, and the support of a caring, respectful community of women.
Soultending: An Experiential Series for Women 7 Tuesdays, Beginning January 31,2017 9:30 to Noon at Zero-Balancing Wellness Center 809 Ridge Rd, Wilmette, IL 60091 This series is for women wishing to take time out from the busyness of modern life to nourish Body and Soul. In an atmosphere of curiosity and respect, participants will utilize body-based meditation, imagery, journaling and simple art forms as vehicles to connect to inner experience and to each other. Dreams, ancient stories and metaphors of the natural world will serve as reference points for these explorations as participants consider ways to bring this ‘inner work’ into meaningful relationship with the outer world, clarifying values and finding expression for embodied wisdom. Women of all ages and backgrounds are welcome. A good-faith commitment to attend all seven sessions is required. Enrollment limited to 10 women. For more information, contact Keren Vishny, [email protected]: About Keren: Both physician and psychotherapist, Keren now limits her practice to Dreamwork and Mind- Body Wellness. She is a Natural Dreamwork student of Rodger Kamenetz and has worked closely with Jungian Analyst Marion Woodman. Keren completed the Marion Woodman Foundation Leadership Training Program in 2007 and also holds certifications in Zero Balancing® and Mind-Body Medicine. Keren works with clients individually and in groups and is affiliated with The CG Jung Center in Evanston, Illinois.